Wednesday, June 28, 2006

how do u do "i do"


A topic one hears more frequently near the quarter century mark of their lifetime…

Well wat does marriage symbolize..

In the ancient days

The layman got married to have babies and grow the family tree..
The royal families merged to expand their wealth and grow the family tree

Wit my limited research I gathered dowry (money, land jewellery) was a sum paid to the man in order to marry a girl…

This system was implemented to make sure that the girl had a happy life for the rest of her life. Of course there was a shortage of men due to the wars and hence the men were bided for.. Whoever paid the highest dowry purchased the man (funny how one pays a price to get a MASTER)

An interesting concept I must admit…

But how well does a system like this fit in, in this new era ?

Where ppl change ever so often…
Temptation controls ones mind…

Latest news is that the Singaporean and Malaysian women don’t want to get married and would like to live single, hence Vietnamese women (who are still a few centuries behind the world) are being migrated to get married, Apparently Vietnamese women make awesome house wife good with making babies, food and keeping the house in order... (In other words a stress free lifestyle)

Personally getting married is a bit of a joke….

I mean how could u confine the rest of ur life to be spent wit one particular person,.
In this every changing dynamic world where ppl aren’t sure of anything how could one choose to be wit another.
In the ancient time where it was one person who made decisions in the relationship,. Marriage was a good thing in the past cos women were insecure and men were able to take the upper hand..
Now its an equal opportunity relationship which leads to more and more arguments. Now if a man tries to take the upper hand in the matter, the girl has her hand up there and he could give her a hi 5 ;-)

Too many cooks do spoil the soup (On a literal term most girls don’t know to cook so the soup is safe :) )

We all change daily. What we like today might not be of interest tomorrow…

Education and exposure has made us forget most of our cultures and values…

Reasons that drive one to get married ( exceptional cases do exist)

**To grow family tree
**Dont want to be lonely when I am older
**My friends will be married so I would have noone to hang out wit...
**I ve invested a great deal of time and effort in working this relationship, I cant start fresh.. so I ll get married to her/him.
**My parents want me to get married...
**If I dont get married my siblings can't get married.
**I can win my freedom by getting married and moving out of the house....

If anyone out there can educate me, I d be willing to learn….


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your views intrigue me..Are you serious? or are you just trying to bully every girl in the blogosphere..?!

so according your post, marriage is joke to you, because in today's world, women are educated and independent and therefore stand on an equal footing with men? do u mean to say that a relationship will not work if both partners are on an equal footing..? in your world, does the woman have to be submissive and insecure in order for a marriage to work?

PS: I'm glad you enabled non-blogger users to comment,the last time I wanted to comment wasnt possible..

PPS:what happened to your first post on 'independence'?

Thursday, June 29, 2006  
Blogger Depp Charge said...

Well its a bit of both I guess... To kick in some reality is more the idea..

In my world the entire context of Marriage has changed due to the dynamic environment we live in...

Changes are too fast and too frequent..

How and wat could hold a marriage together?

Two ppl are in love today and tomo u get to know the whole thing is over...

Women being on a equal footage is an awesome thing... By no means would I suggest or think that a woman be insecure but at the meantime she should know what the limits are..

The relationship worked best back in those days cos of the roles were defined,.. Now its a complete new game wit new rules and new roles..

how many are ready to handle this...

There is too much of uncertainity due to the extended exposure levels of human, how could one build a relationship on uncertainity..

one could say love keeps two hearts beating for each other... i think its trust that makes it beat for ever...

Friday, June 30, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you.

definitely agree that trust is as important as love in a relationship..

"..but at the meantime she should know what the limits are.."

can you pls elaborate this statement? are you saying that the wife shouldnt be more qualified/higher paid than the husband ? or are you referring to more social issues such as drinking,cheating and sex?

Friday, June 30, 2006  
Blogger Chamendra Wimalasena said...

Ohhhhhh :D this looks like an evil topic to be talkin about! he he he :D What you doin postin up things like this! CANT YOU SEE MY NAME Mr. DEPP!! or have your concussions been affecting you :P

as for women n marriage.. well.. i'm not married.. and i'm not a woman.. so i don;t honestly know crap and i'm not going to say i know how women think.

But just for info sake.. you do realise that marriage is not natural? It is a man made god given act of telling everyone.. "You mess you get a piece of mee too!"

Most probably the guys who invented mariage had really hot wives (Nymphos) and they didn't want their blood line getting messed by some other horny devil!

Lo and behold! MARRIAGES are born! I'm sure the first few were gala parties with lotsa food and crap like the usual wedding.. but you know how the world spins :D It's spinning from humanity to commerciality :D lol :)

Moving in together ?? living together?? See that weas invented when they didn't want to go thru the hassled of divorce and legal issues.. that way when you meet someone else all you gotta say is.. "I just broke up"

Getting back to the point.. I think marriage is a personal choice made by 2 committing persons. Once they are together leave aside legalities.. it is upto others personal ethics not to get involved with it.

Now wouldnt trust work better if 3rd parties are not involved?

and so concluding.. if ur a 3rd party.. and some married chick is hitting on you.. then would you by ethics tell her to f off? So that you wont be the responcible party for a marriage not working out..

or would you jump n do her then n there?

In a 100% perfect world.. now.. where can we find that :D lol :) I'm sure there was life on mars! But i'm sure they were human ancestors.. we're like the surviving species they put on some other planet hoping we would be uninfluenced by their badness.. but guess what :D lol :) They're f***ed.. and so are we :D lol :)

It's only human to make mistakes and wonder what darkness in which the human heart wanders..

So i say live and let live! Let live! I'm an Existentialist!

Saturday, July 01, 2006  
Blogger Depp Charge said...

"..but at the meantime she should know what the limits are.."

There are certain things which only a man can do and woman can't and viceversa....

In this era we have female fire fighters and male nannies.. That i feel is crossing the lines..

Its not to say each is not capable of doing the task but u d like mummy to be a girl and daddy to be a boy....

Hey Savi, if the girl is earning more than the guy.. Its not a bad thing by any means...
Cos thats when the guy can take a chill pill when his partner is out shopping :-)

Of course social identity counts a lot...
Anyone when they go out should know their limits, having fun is one thing disturbing others is another ball game..

In Sri Lanka rumours travel faster than the speed of light ( Another world record which is to be declared) hence the difference in the yard stick.

Monday, July 03, 2006  
Blogger Depp Charge said...

Mr. Evil......

U seem to think in a very practical manner with regards to this topic.

Practically feasible but not applicable if u live in SL....

Monday, July 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"In this era we have female fire fighters and male nannies.. That i feel is crossing the lines.."

Your kidding right? How is that crossing the lines? As long as they do the job properly their sex should be irrelevent! Look at the number of male gynaecologists, shouldnt they be all female as account of what they do as a living?

I do agree with you however about the fact a traditional marriage ie all that blather about the woman serving the man, etc. That’s less a marriage and more having a shaggable servant, which is what I’m assuming most of those Vietnamese women are. I would however personally like to get married some day simply because it is a symbol of commitment, its more important to have that distinction in my head, a reason to try and get through the hard times. If I was just living with a chick I could just walk out any time because that symbolism of a relationship is lacking and as much as we’d like to avoid it, symbolism is a big part of the human psyche.

Thursday, July 13, 2006  
Blogger Depp Charge said...

Dude my example was to say that the girls have the skills to look after a kid far better than guys. A mother can always father a kid, but a father can only mother a kid to a certain extent..

Being a firefigher u need to be physically strong be able to carry another person in case u have to....

ur example is more of an educational one...

Thats a new view point to the matter.... To get married cause of your uncertainity about your own commitment levels...

My view point (which has changed lately)

If u were to get married to some one special, u should be able to make them feel special...
U should be the gardener to make their life a bed of roses.... Not hope for them to make urs a bed of roses...

In this new era if two ppl wit this frameset get together...

like the old fairy tales go....

They lived happily ever after :-)

Monday, July 17, 2006  

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