Wednesday, June 28, 2006

how do u do "i do"


A topic one hears more frequently near the quarter century mark of their lifetime…

Well wat does marriage symbolize..

In the ancient days

The layman got married to have babies and grow the family tree..
The royal families merged to expand their wealth and grow the family tree

Wit my limited research I gathered dowry (money, land jewellery) was a sum paid to the man in order to marry a girl…

This system was implemented to make sure that the girl had a happy life for the rest of her life. Of course there was a shortage of men due to the wars and hence the men were bided for.. Whoever paid the highest dowry purchased the man (funny how one pays a price to get a MASTER)

An interesting concept I must admit…

But how well does a system like this fit in, in this new era ?

Where ppl change ever so often…
Temptation controls ones mind…

Latest news is that the Singaporean and Malaysian women don’t want to get married and would like to live single, hence Vietnamese women (who are still a few centuries behind the world) are being migrated to get married, Apparently Vietnamese women make awesome house wife good with making babies, food and keeping the house in order... (In other words a stress free lifestyle)

Personally getting married is a bit of a joke….

I mean how could u confine the rest of ur life to be spent wit one particular person,.
In this every changing dynamic world where ppl aren’t sure of anything how could one choose to be wit another.
In the ancient time where it was one person who made decisions in the relationship,. Marriage was a good thing in the past cos women were insecure and men were able to take the upper hand..
Now its an equal opportunity relationship which leads to more and more arguments. Now if a man tries to take the upper hand in the matter, the girl has her hand up there and he could give her a hi 5 ;-)

Too many cooks do spoil the soup (On a literal term most girls don’t know to cook so the soup is safe :) )

We all change daily. What we like today might not be of interest tomorrow…

Education and exposure has made us forget most of our cultures and values…

Reasons that drive one to get married ( exceptional cases do exist)

**To grow family tree
**Dont want to be lonely when I am older
**My friends will be married so I would have noone to hang out wit...
**I ve invested a great deal of time and effort in working this relationship, I cant start fresh.. so I ll get married to her/him.
**My parents want me to get married...
**If I dont get married my siblings can't get married.
**I can win my freedom by getting married and moving out of the house....

If anyone out there can educate me, I d be willing to learn….

Monday, June 26, 2006

I can do it on my own.....

I can do it on my own.....

A common phrase these days…

Guys have had their independence since the days of ADAM…..

The girls have just about gotten their freedom with the flexibility of working and being financially stable, (This jus proves that their independence experience is not even 1% of that of guys,)
This is like ppl at WallMart when christmas sale is on…. Jus going crazy….

What is sad to see is the fact that some abuse their freedom and tarnish their reputation for life…

And what goes around comes around…

It is all good at that moment but when time does catch up wit u…. it hurts too much to live it thru, cos u would have kissed an army of men before u met ur prince,…

As guys we d love to treat u as equal,
we love it when u pick up the check
or ask us out of a date
or take the lead role in making plans...
we enjoy it and appreciate it…..
we believe in equality....

My perception of matters…

(This statement follows thru mainly for the socially active younger crowd)

Over time guys have become a little insecure when it comes to dating as opposed to girls. Higher percentage of guys are loyal to their girl friends than viceversa…

Over time the chances of a guy getting lucky on a night out in Colombo has increased exponentially….

Makes one wonder why… .....
Cos u need two hands to clap...

When a man walks his footsteps are on water, just disturbed for the moment…
When a woman walks her foot steps are chiseled of rock, its for a life time………

“ All that u guys want to do is get into our pants…”

A pharse most commonly used by many young ladies of this era specially at social gatherings or clubs ( with or without the influence of alcohol)…
I think its the influence of the Swingers...

One might wonder as to why this pharse is spoken wit a lot of feelings by some ladies….

From my understanding it’s their past history of relationship or some experience in life (for the wild ones). Well it takes two hands to clap, for a guy to get into a girls pants he needs the consent of the girl… ( else its called rape)

So the next time u girls say "all u guys wanna do is get into our pants", jus think a while.

Cos when you say that, you are disgracing yourself... i dont mean to say that you girls are taking a ego trip thinking ur god's gift to every man...
I guess it's your personal experience which leads u to say it...

*** On a lighter note..
Pants were initially made for men, being the gentle men we are we let u girls share it wit us....
And now u say we wanna get into ur pants???

I think u guys got into that of ours.......