Thursday, March 08, 2007


A phase I am goin thru lately....

I gave it some thought .... Why?
I used to be a social bunny hopping across and talking to jus about anyone or doing some nonsense that bought unwanted attention and could never be alone in for a short while...
Not to mention I had heaps of good friend who at times have gone thru the extra effort of getting me into my room as I would have been a little too intoxicated for my liking..

Suddenly.... things to a change... Jus like in the movies.. Where everything happens ever so fast and u cant seem to comprehend at times..

Most of my friends have all turned to their own way of life and didnt have the time or mood to hang out wit each other..
This went on for weeks and weeks became months and now its the new lifestyle....

As I am for to adapt very fast to something new, I ve changed to a pretty solitude guy enjoying my time and watchin heaps of movies and doing my own thing....
Now the problem is...

I am not in a mood to socialise.. and that kind of bugs me..
I am liking my time on me own.. ( Not that I am productive wit it, infact I ve become even more lazy)

So does this mean the METAMORPHOSIS is over or I am in the middle of it...


Blogger Chamendra Wimalasena said...

Well you can only speak for yourself. Cos you'll never know why everyone got into their own moods or solitude times. Unless you decide to ask. Everyone's got their story..

Perhaps the only reason it's affected you is because you socializing with everyone was a large part of your life.

Perhaps Metamorphosis is the wrong word to use. Unless the human life cycle is documented to be static and exact in terms of what er do.

Perhaps this is just a phase everyone is going thru. There is no point in finding the point of start as nothing can be done.

But I guess the current point can be changed and adjusted to your liking? Doing things you like.. always wanted to do.. things like that you know. You got motivation you got drive. Thats with regard to your own desires.

But as for the socializing aspect. I don't even want to talk about it simply because I don't know why everyone changes. Everyone goes into moods, and moodyness just increases exponentially when provoked.

Thursday, March 15, 2007  

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